Saving Genie Update

Will we make it by October 2013?

I know we will…. I have always been taught to never back down and to face my fears even when I’m feeling weak (which at this point in time my health is very poor but I am not letting it beat me). This venture is so important to my family and to the many people it could help in the UK

I have been offered a partnership with a very nice man, but I have always seen myself as a sole trader so this is something that I’m approaching with caution. Not because of the gentleman in question, as he is very nice, but because of my own demons and past dealings.

I have seen a number of partnerships fail and crumble before my eyes and there was nothing that anyone could have done to save their business. It was so hard to see another persons idea fail like that because of a handful of bad decisions.

However this could be the answer… but then again I just don’t know.

I’m going to wait and see what happens, whilst exhausting all of my other avenues first. To be honest, a partnership will always be my last choice.

I still recommend Zero Start Ventures to anyone interested in setting up their own business, as they have been very kind; although I don’t think Genie is something they have ever dealt with before and that is why they are taking so long with getting back to me. When I spoke to Mr Chudasama he told me to never put my eggs in one basket so to speak and if anyone is interested then I sign an exclusive right to that Angel, so I then only deal with them.

I have been very guarded with the business plan because of what Quantum did to me and the many other poor businesses. Maybe this was a silly move but with what happened I cant seem to help it.

I have something up my sleeve but I’m not telling anyone as of yet, because I don’t want to jinx myself. I’m just praying that maybe, just maybe I have got it right this time.

However I have let this person know that even if he isn’t successful that I will never forget the efforts he has gone to for my family and we haven’t even met.

This venture has brought some fantastic people into my life and some I will always stay in touch with, as they have become firm life long friends. Isn’t it nice when that happens!

I hope everyone is well and when it comes to business decisions you are making educated informed choices so you don’t end up like me x

Because even though the company looked and smelled right that was meant to do my website for me they still avoided paying their tax and liquidated. Taking Genies site with them

Love to all stay safe and speak soon much more when properly back on my feet x promise x

A Positive Impact Upon Society :)

I have decided to write you a post to encourage you into the idea that whilst running a company you can also have a positive impact on society.

By encouraging a sense of social belonging, your customers will want to fight for you. Even defend your good name; you can build your business on a relationship that is filled with trust and respect. That is if you are prepared to go that extra mile!

How can you achieve this?

One method would be to donate a small portion of your profits to a charity fund you have created for the benefit of the communities your customers are a part of.

It’s a simple, easy and very effective way to make sure that you to can make a difference in a world that is so very hard for some people today to live in.

So how am I implementing this idea with my own company GenieHomeSwap? Well Homelessness has always been close to my heart and it’s something that with the new bedroom tax that’s coming is going to get worse. So with every £3.99 Gold Members subscription fee we are donating 25% every month from it and transferring it to our own homeless fund.

We have already organised to work alongside various soup kitchens supplying the homeless with thermals, waterproofs, compact sleeping bags, mini med kits, flasks, gloves, etc that will help keep them warm during the freezing months and hopefully could contribute to saving the lives of the most needy.

Winter is getting colder and the streets are going to get more crowded.

It is our intention to get the communities involved with this, an act that should help bridge relations between the everyday people and this nations homeless.

We will also have leaflets of advice for the homeless, and provide information packs and points of contact for them as in these worrying times we all need to help one another.

For our volunteers that dedicate their time and go beyond their means will be rewarded for their efforts.

This is my dream and I wanted to share it with you because if all business modules had this attached to it somehow what a wonderful world we would live in

Love to all x

11 Months & Counting…

To think it’s nearly two weeks since my last post and my life has been a whirlwind of events

From perfecting the business plan for GenieHomeSwap, to helping the Trussell Trust as a thank you for helping me and my family when things got really tough. To now panicking like a bunny in headlights awaiting the answer from Zero Start Ventures to see whether they are interested in investing in my ideas.

Oh and the virus from HELL…

It’s funny to think that my future and life is in their hands (Zero’s). One simple decision could affect everything I have planned for a long time, Scary or what?

What will I do if the answer is a no?

As time is ticking, keeping myself afloat is getting harder and harder, but its just a good job I’m a cracking swimmer lol

Come to think of it… keeping afloat should be added to my CV 😉

Talking of which I met a lovely lady in the local supermarket when I was opposite the eggs. I was busy arguing with myself about the extra £1.50 for the 24 eggs because that £1.50 could mean another base for a meal like a small pack of meat or something similar from the reduced section that I could freeze. Then this lady with a friendly smile was staring at me obviously thinking “What the hell is she doing staring at the eggs for all this time?”

So I explained about the Egg scenario and how that £1.50 really could make all the difference to whether we eat or not. I had a lot of things in the trolley for my children and not many items for my Husband and I just some Chicken. She remembered me from the TV feature (cue embarrassment) and I went on to tell her about how amazing the Trussell Trust are and about how my families lives will be different in 11 months time once I successfully launch Genie.

She was lovely genuinely interested and also knew of the Trussell Trust too.

I have full faith in what I’m doing and I know that this is the only way for me to do it (because of my personal situation with my disabled sons care and also my poor health).

It’s simple, if Zero Start Ventures don’t think Genie is for them it’s not because they don’t like the idea… it will be because it’s not their area of expertise or just not for them.

If that does happen I’ll pick myself up and keep fighting for another day. I have done this before and can do it again a thousand times.

It’s all for my kids, so I have to!

That doesn’t make it any less painful, but it’s how you utilise that pain that counts remember that guys x

Try to turn it into a positive and you win every time.

I will let you know of the outcome with Zero Start x

Love to all

llegitimi non carborundum ;) (Don’t Let The B******s Grind You Down)

Bedroom Tax Is The New Victorian Window Tax

Today I’ve been working along side a range of people as they sign up to the GenieHomeSwap promotion and one thing has become clear.  There is one thing uniting us all, not only here in the UK but all over the world… What is it? The impending cuts that threaten us all! But the bigger question is do we agree with how our governments are spending our money? We keep seeing how MP’s in Britain can claim for holiday Homes,  Fuel Mileage and even the meals eaten at their meetings. Whereas their poor hard working commoners are scrapping the last of their food together to make ‘Friday night surprise’.  In America people are signing please do not resuscitate orders because they can’t afford the insurance anymore and their medical bills are too high. This is meant to be the time of freedom, a time of health, happiness and well being… But all I see is the on coming of destruction because our governments are just not in touch with the people they are supposed to represent.

In Britain we are still very much a divided society, one wherein the higher ranks of well-to-do families still have the idea that ‘If I can claim for it, then I bloody well should’ A land of ‘we are the entitled, so therefore we will’ when in fact there are now over 4,000,000 children suffering in hardship whilst the MP’s dine at the Ivy.

The reason that the politicians of this country just don’t understand their constituents (or could even comprehend how to begin living the life we do) is because the only time they come in contact with us is election time when they are rallying. Just because in America they employed Beyonce too shake her tushy (And whilst I’m not denying she doesn’t do it well) but what I’m getting at is it doesn’t mean the candidate knows anything about a country’s actual well being except for the tosh they are encouraged to feed them before show time. It’s actually a very clever sales pitch and they are using harmonic distortion to raise your moral……….Think about it

It’s the same here in England, candidates promise us the world and implement bedroom tax on the poor families who’s children have actually left the country now because the cost of living is too much or have moved to the other end of the nation to look for work. In the Victorian times we had window tax this is the same, don’t you think? Its just a way of the government trying to look proactive to the what they think is the important people in life. But that’s where they’re wrong!

I understand that plenty of rich people do fantastic things for charity but what they don’t realise is after claiming 15 years of child benefit for 4 children at £240 a month,  DLA at high care at £292 every month and the mobility part at another £290 on top of their 65,000 joint income is morally wrong when there are children suffering.  I understand that they give immense amounts to charities but most of these are in fact foreign ones.  Why not continue with what they are doing (with regards charity work) but not claim that extra £1000 a month in benefit or several thousand for that holiday home.  By claiming it, they have taken it from the ones who need it  most. People lose their homes, Their jobs everything as soon as they fall to behind the poverty line

The backbone of our nations are the hard working families, and those who love and support each other in times of need. These people who don’t judge you, or fleece you when you’re down on your luck. The people that stop to help you in the street.  The passionate people who when they see something stand up and shout ……………NO.

If they truly knew us, like I know the people where I live, they wouldn’t be treating us this way.  People are dying in my country because they are stripping their benefit away from them just to meet the latest government projection so they can continue to lie to the hierarchy and receive their bonus. The cost of living goes up benefit goes down. Tax cuts for the rich, and crippling penalties for the poor.

I would like you all to imagine them raising a silver spoon and shouting

‘All for one and one for all’

 If only that were true  Shocking

Fantastic advice as always

The Easy Entrepreneur

8 Common Sense Tips and Tricks to Fighting Fraud

                                 With the arrival of the Major League Baseball playoffs, EasySeat is in one of its busiest times of the year.  In the playoffs, demand for tickets skyrockets, especially for teams like the San Francisco Giants that don’t make the playoffs frequently, and prices typically follow suit.  Unfortunately, with rising prices comes an increase in fraudulent orders.  Scammers buy tickets using a stolen credit card and then sell them for cash on Craigslist, eBay, or even outside the venue.  When the unlucky person who had their credit card stolen finds out and cancels the card, it’s usually the merchant that is left to foot the bill for the merchandise.

Since the New York Yankees making a trip to the World Series  can…

View original post 583 more words

Stats Are Funny Things

Right now I’m a bit sleep deprived and just about to make a drink,  settle down and do some blogging whilst Rowan is crashed out and comfortable. What do I find? That even though there’s loads of content in my blog; ranging from funding advice to family dilemmas and even some good old fashioned detective work. Your favourite part of my blog according to my stats is the detective work and the Quantum diaries. Funnily enough this has still been troubling me to the point when I do sleep I just have troubled dreams. There must be something I can do right? Someway I can get justice for us all. I mean over 700 businesses and families suffering at the hands of those rogues. Plus there is the poor people like me who just got a bespoke design for several thousand of pounds.

I recently wrote a post about how a Greek mythology story had a very good hidden meaning and maybe I should and could apply that to my life. It also taught you to try and look forward to your future and pay little attention to your past. But what if the past is still affecting so many people now? Doesn’t that still qualify as a current problem and therefore apply to the future?

My friends, if I have mislead you by saying this, then I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention; but as a normal person with compassion and bucket loads of empathy I can’t stand on the sidelines anymore and leave this alone. My conscience will not allow it, My subconscious is already giving me a run for my money and it’s not in my genetic make up to lie down to people who think they are smarter than me.

We all deserve the truth and an independent figure investigating what has happened x

Let it begin again 🙂

Wow what a journey indeed of discovery as I never thought I would be saying these words again x

Love to all

Genies Mum x x



1000 Free Life Time Accounts Up For Grabs x

Hi Guys

Its been a fab day even considering the weather, the heavens haven’t stopped 🙂

So on GenieHomeSwaps Listings page on Facebook we’re doing a promotion.

People are already listing their houses nicely, but we need more x

Here’s the the good bit x

We’re giving away 1000 FREE life time accounts with full access to the discount card and monthly draws for when the GenieHomeSwap website goes live.

Just to re-cap GenieHomeSwap is a social housing exchange website, Although we will also be able to do this for home-owners too in the near future.

Please feel free to come over and list your property if you’re a social housing tenant. By following the link 🙂 once you have listed your property please PM us your email and we will keep it safe and confidential.

Please be assured you details will never be sold to another party Genie would rather go back into her lamp than do that x

If you are a social housing landlord and feel that your tenants would benefit from this please contact us and we’ll send you a poster to put in your office 😉 and a promotional mug to say thank you x

Please follow this link x

Or follow me on Twitter under x


This ride will be amazing if you believe, I know I do x

Remember it’s the FIRST 1000 PLACES ARE  FREE on when we launch

After that its £1.99 to £3.99 a month……………… That’s it 🙂

So what do you have to lose except the house you no longer want x

It’s The Right Thing To Do

So I talked last night about whether or not I was going to load this piece, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s ok. The position I was in was caused by rising food and energy costs and lack of services for my disabled son, so we ended up getting ourselves into just debt trying to keep our heads above water.

As such I’m baring all to you, because when I launch my company you’ll know who’s gunning for you and that a person like me wont let you down. That I’m a real person, not someone who’s not in touch with society today. I believe something just has to change and if the government won’t help, then we will just have to adapt and survive the best way we can.

And it’s people like these guys who save lives in the UK everyday. To normal families and now working families like my husband and I, the cost of living is too much to bare especially with what they have done taking my sons disability money away for several weeks because I was late returning the forms. I was in hospital for god sake and it’s not like his Brain Damage or Autism are going to suddenly get better L

I frequently panic about how we’re going to do everything and if it weren’t for these people saving my family with a food parcel then my kids would have gone hungry.

I had the choice to move back here to my hometown of Salisbury, into a nice house with enough bedrooms for all of us…. or stay put in a horrid house that was too small, run down and just wasn’t safe. But the funding didn’t come through in time so instead of losing the tenancy we moved with our food money. A risk yes, but we had no choice we had waited so long on exchange sites and 2 years was long enough.

My friend told me about the food bank their called “The Trussell Trust” and they were with me within 2 hours with 4 boxes of food. They didn’t charge me or judge they just wanted to restore my faith in humanity again and they certainly did that. My children were so happy they received food that they hadn’t seen for a long time. Nice things but nutritional balanced unlike what I could have afforded at the time.

I hope you don’t judge me for this, as my position is tough enough especially when the programmers hired to code my website did that to me and took all of my funding.
So my friends, the Trussell Trust are organising a Christmas appeal so if you’ve any food tins in your cupboard that you don’t like or want, please follow these links as there will be numerous drop off points in supermarkets all over our country or chances are there will even be a foodbank in your town, you just don’t know it yet… I didn’t until I needed them x x

3 new banks open every week one word for that and that’s    WOW



I pledge that because they helped my family when we launch we will be having an annual foodbank bonanza appeal to raise awareness and to say thank you for saving us x x

So molly and the team if you see this it’s for you guys x x the video is me This is their work stunning beautiful people x

I hope you agree x

Will You Judge Me?

I am toying with an idea, whether I should put something on my blog

Its to direct people to a fantastic page about some friends who have helped me.

But you would also meet me, but I’m not looking at my best 🙂

So what would you do? Go :p in the face of society and not care about being judged…..or

Would you hold it back and hope your friends get enough coverage on their own x

I will sleep on it

It all comes down to the fear of being rejected by society. How silly to feel this way

Love to all x